Audio Game Hub is a set of eight experimental arcade videogames that use
audio as their primary interface – making them accessible for both
sighted and non-sighted users.
Dive into a rich world of sounds and
experience the unique collection of mini audio games. Close your eyes
and let your imagination flow.
Play in the casino, attend the
medieval archery contest, escape the dark labyrinth, fight the finest
samurai warriors and improve your memory at the animal farm. Play it on
your smartphone, tablet or computer.
★ Slot Machines (Casino)
★ Archery
★ Hunt
★ Samurai Tournament (up to 4 player)
★ Samuari Dojo (up to 4 player)
★ Labyrinth
★ Memory (Animal Farm)
★ Blocks (Bejeweld)
Think you can do it with your eyes closed?
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