Take a journey of discovery...wander the aisles of the apps stores!
Friday, November 18, 2016
Bigger on the inside than outside
21st century America most people own a smartphone. Stop thinking of
your smartphone as a telephone. Start thinking of it as a Tardis. As
anybody who has watched the TV show Dr Who knows a Tardis, is a
dimensionally transcendental object that is bigger on the inside than
the outside and can transport you to any point in time and space. Turns
out our smartphones are Tardis's too!
-Your smartphone is about the size of your hand, yet it
contains million of apps, websites and other digital objects( tere is more information stored in your smartphone than in 10,000 Libraries of Congress! )
-Your smartphone can transport you anywhere in the universe. To any space or time
problem with your "personal Tardis" is that,when you know what your looking for Google offers a great discovery mechanism. But when you don't know what youre looking for ...unless you know what you're
looking for, it does not offer a great discovery mechanism for you to
locate which of the millions ofdigitakl objects that are of interest to
The Virtual Parkhouse is a suite of discovery mechanisms for apps, websites, and other digital object.